A family tree of the luxury class - with a life span of centuries
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details [300K]
A family tree of the luxury class can keep the history of your family for the coming generations permanently. It is a unique piece of art with lasting value, created in the tradition of old masters. You will get excellent quality for your money.
Let yourself be inspired by the beauty of family tree paintings in the tradition of old masters, enhanced with the art and aesthetics of calligraphy. A family tree is a unique way of paying respects to ancestors and act as a patron for your children and grandchildren at the same time. Do you know a better way?
A family tree on genuine animal parchment can be enhanced with a metal leaf workmanship of your family coat of arms (if required, a new one can be designed as well) or a coat of arms of a city connected to your family. Old family estate can be depicted using high-quality colored indian ink.
Such the artistic family tree (as illustrated) is a bigger investment. (To the comparison: the price of the family tree illustrated here amounted to EUR 8.690). But in contrast to a small car this family tree has a lifespan of several hundred years and is a superior investment in the future of your own family (!).
You can request serious interest in the configuration of a luxury family tree here under information of your address for personal offer free of charge and without obligation. For my calculation it is at all costs inevitably that you inform me a) the number of the persons, b) number of the generations c) coat of arms and/or picture wishes in conjunction with the family tree. It ends on me the genealogical data of your ancestors - preferably in the GEDCOM format. You will then receive an offer that is tailored to your personal wishes.
My achievements are free of value added tax.
Last updated 04/08/2018
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