family coat of arms, endowment, German DWR registration, HEROLD association, ecclesiastical heraldry, certificate, crest sculpture, family tree, genealogy table, name interpretation, individual consultation
Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic
heraldist MdH and graduated painter
Working since 1990 in the field of Heraldry
![]() | The heraldry, part 2 |
A prince's coat of arms from the 18th century.
Click here for representation richer in detail.
The science of the heraldry has relations to too many fields of knowledge which can be looked as her subsidiary sciences and help themselves, on the other hand, to the heraldry as a subsidiary science.
To general mind history varied connections already insist by the fact that the philosopher Leipnitz and needle maker have academically dealt with the heraldry, and that famous writers and thinkers of Walther from the bird's pasture about Kant, Goethe and Schiller led a coat of arms up to the mind dimensions of our days. Also the still hardly examined psychology of the coat of arms choice is to be mentioned in this connection.
With general political history the heraldry is also connected in varied manner. Thus that is reflected in the coats of arms of the countries, during reverse the coats of arms of the countries, her rulers and other leading personalities are able to give explanation about certain political developments and claims (e.g., claim coat of arms, waiting shield).
To art history close relations already insist by the fact that the influence of the general art style epochs has also affected the heraldic representation. Vice versa allows of the representation of coat of arms on art-historical valuable objects (paintings, to glasses, sculptures etc.) a more exact regulation of her time of origin.
Seal apprenticeship (sphragistics) has special meaning for the heraldry because seals of count to the oldest heraldic springs. From seal pictures also are often coats of arms, in particular town coats of arms originated. Till the newest time the short forms of the area and other public law bodies contain mainly coat of arms representations.
Even numismatics (numismatics) becomes the heraldic aid. She gives about the development of dyne branch coat of arms - now and then also more different on medallions shown coat of arms explanation.
Special close relations exist between legal development and the coat of arms customer. The general origin of a right in the coat of arms led to extensive parallel between the coat of arms right and the name right and other marking right. Also the effect of family-juridical relations in the heraldry, the development of the coat of arms as a Highness and dignity sign and, finally, the coat of arms being as an activity field for unfair businessmen belong in this connection.
Between ethnic studies and the heraldry numerous interaction also exists. Thus the heraldry has taken her sign figures often from the area of the utensils of the people which live on today only in this manner (e.g., boiler hook, horse brake etc.). The legend world with her giants, dwarfs and animal mythical figures (e.g., unicorn, bird griffin, dragon) has found in the heraldry as a coat of arms figure or sign holder entrance. The coats of arms themselves often have to the origin of coat of arms legends and the symbolisiation in the form of the "talking coats of arms" explanations about the way of thinking of the people in the time of origin of the coats of arms gives.
Social history and economic history has exerted on the development of the coat of arms being varied influence. With climbing up more anew of social layers increases on the coat of arms guidance on this, as vice versa till our days the acceptance of a coat of arms as a sign for the reaching of a certain social standing has been valid. The respective social circumstances develop partly in the coat of arms guidance.
With weapons and costume history the heraldry is close-knit since her origin by the takeover of certain weapon parts as a heraldic symbolic bearer. Only the knowledge of the weapon history makes some developments in the heraldry, thus, e.g., the way from the fight about the tournament the pure ornamental heraldry, understandably.
In spite of her warlike origin the heraldry also has inessential relations to church history not. The Christian symbols (eye of God, cross and mono grief of Christ) as well as particularly the attributes of the saints return in the coats of arms. By the compulsion to the seal and coat of arms guidance for ecclesiastical dignitaries a special heraldry of the ecclesiastical dignitaries has developed: the ecclesiastical office heraldry.
Even too apparently to so remote scientific disciplines like botany and zoology dull connections do not exist, because the heraldry has taken her figures also from these areas, namely already at a time when some exotic animals (e.g., elephants, camels) or plants were known in the West still hardly in general. The preferential use of certain plants (rose, lily) and animals (lion, eagle) show own development of the heraldry which is also expressed by from the ethnic studies (legend world) only partially influenced invention of the heraldic mythical figures.
in view of these varied relations with other branches of knowledge one can call the heraldry rightly than key science .
Spring: Extract from the "Wappenfibel - Handbuch der Heraldik", ("coat of arms primer - manual of the heraldry"), published by the association HEROLD, 19th edition, in 2002, copyright by Verlag Degener + Co
Last updated 12/14/2017
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