family coat of arms, endowment, German DWR registration, HEROLD association, ecclesiastical heraldry, certificate, crest sculpture, family tree, genealogy table, name interpretation, individual consultation
Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic
heraldist MdH and graduated painter
Working since 1990 in the field of Heraldry
![]() | Coat of arms search - is it possible and promising? |
A family coat of arms from the 16th century.
You maybe search an old, traditional family coat of arms, pursue a coat of arms search? Possibly there are in your family verbal traditions which state that your family has led earlier a coat of arms. Or you assume from own initiative from the fact that possibly these circumstances are given. At this point would be pointed out on three in general widespread mistakes.
Mistake No. 1 : For every there is a suitable coat of arms and one only needs to find it. However, to him is not in such a way. Surnames and coats of arms have originated to too different times regardless of each other. While, e.g., a craftsman's family with the surname has led Müller from the south of the country a coat of arms, this was not with another craftsman's family of the same name which comes from the north the case. Both families have a different origin and different genealogical data. Equality of the surname entitles in no case, that to lead coat of arms of another families of the same name.
Mistake No. 2 : Every family has also led her own coat of arms. Also of this image must be contradicted clearly.a The coat of arms guidance of certain families mostly depends on her former social state and the origin from sceneries in which more coats of arms were spread. Only with the nobility one can assume the available being of an old coat of arms completely. With all remaining social states, in particular with rural families this seems only in the exceptional case. Here in this case the guidance of an old coat of arms is provable because of the unfavorable situation of genealogical and heraldic springs only very seldom.
Mistake No. 3 : Every old coat of arms is also somewhere publish or registers. Again must be contradicted at this point. There have been in the course of the centuries many family coats of arms which are unknown to us today. The level-according stock-taking of old family coats of arms and their scientific registration have originated only in the middle of the 19th century. When one began with this underpinned, a big number was not already noticeable earlier of controlled coats of arms as a result of the absence of historical springs any more.
The search for an old, traditional family coat of arms is only successful-promissory for precalled reasons if your fatherly forefathers have belonged to the high middle classes or rural lay assessor or magistrates families.
My offer coat of arms search: With the after an old, traditional coat of arms occurence to your surname the is taken for help. Besides, become similar manners of writing of her surname consider, because the manner of writing of the name could have changed in the course of centuries. They preserved from every ascertained coat of arms a photocopy including the coat of arms description and available genealogical information plus the reference of the work. However, for before explained reasons no successful guarantee can be given that for your surname a coat of arms is found also actual.
The sending occurs by registered letter, the contents are protected in it in a cardboard folder, in addition. The fee amounts to 129 euros , in it the packaging and sending costs are already included.
If you are interested in my offer "coat of arms search", you can enter your address me give your order for a coat of arms search here.
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Last updated 12/14/2017
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