family coat of arms, endowment, German DWR registration, HEROLD association, ecclesiastical heraldry, certificate, crest sculpture, family tree, genealogy table, name interpretation, individual consultation

Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic

heraldist MdH and graduated painter
Working since 1990 in the field of Heraldry

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A coat of arms registration with long tradition after strictly heraldic principles

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There is the possibility to let register new German family coat of arms in German coat of arms registration - Deutsche Wappenrolle (DWR). With the resolution of the state herald's offices after the First World War there was no more state place which carried out official coat of arms registrations. To fill this vacuum, it was founded in 1922 Deutsche Wappenrolle (DWR) by the HEROLD, association for heraldry, genealogy and related sciences to Berlin. This is after the pattern of the trade mark role according to her statute from the 5th of May, 1949, in the topical version from the 27th of August 2007 in to essential ones as follows straightened:

Basically only coats of arms are taken up by families which belong to the German society to these families belong those which live a) in the third generation in the German linguistic area and the German is her mother tongue at the time of the registration of the coat of arms, or b) beyond the German linguistic area after descent, language, education and culture of the German minority belong.

The Herold's committee of the German coat of arms registration is the official committee which decides on the admission, registration and publication of family coat of arms in the DWR. The committee is chosen by the association for 5 years, the activity in the committee is honourary. He exists of an academically trained heraldist, an experienced genealogist and a legal-expert member. The Herold's committee decides with voice majority, namely indisputable, as far as it concerns questions of the heraldic creation of a coat of arms.

The submitted coat of arms is checked in heraldic, coat of arms-juridical and genealogical regard. After occurred successful registration procedure the application plate gets a documentary confirmation to the occurred registration in the DWR in the form of a coat of arms letter. The coats of arms registered in the DWR are published constantly in the book row German coat of arms registration. Every coat of arms published there appears on a separate side. Up to now 75 volumes of the book row German coat of arms registration have appeared. The association HEROLD carries out the registration of new family coats of arms to pure cost of sales. Presently the amount amounts to 195 euros.

At this point one more warning would be pronounced. Unfortunately, the concept Coat of arms registraion is not protected juridically. Over and over again commercial enterprises have - which often want to wake the appearance of a scientific institution - helps itself of the concept Coat of arms registraion to hide her extremely selfish profit striving to the deception of the audience. Such profiteers are not often qualified academically and are equipped. One is expressly mentioned that between such businessmen and the association HEROLD as well as the DEUTSCHE WAPPENROLLE passes no connection - even if the precalled concepts are used in supplemental or modified form by the businessmen. In the German coat of arms registraion no family coats crests which were acquired by businessmen are put down basically.

Last updated 12/14/2017

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