The crest sculpture returns unique the original atmosphere of the knight's time
Medieval crest sculpture,
castle Erbach/Odenwald, Germany.
A family crest in three-dimensional design? If you want to be surprised, first a question: For the artistic representation of a family coat of arms, there are various possibilities of coat of arms. Are you one of those who love something special, so you want an extraordinary and original representation of your family crest?
As you probably know, the winner of a knight tournament won the weapons, the armament and the horse of the loser. In this manner, bucklers and helmets with covers and crests were collected and put up on the wall as trophies. Today these relics of medieval heraldry can still be found in some castles and palaces.
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Now something is available to you what was previously reserved to the nobility: the representation of your family crest as sculpture. It is a unique piece of art made by skillful artist's hands. The helmet and the shield are replicates from metal in actual size! The shield was treated with acrylic colors and gold leaf (23 carats). Mantling and wreath are manufactured from cloth. The crest has a stable wire torso and is formed from papier mâché. Outside the crest with acrylic colors and leaf metal is treated. It is fixed with screws to the helmet.
Get real knight's romanticism in your sitting room. Request serious interest under model of a drawing of your coat of arms for individual offer. Please, give with whether you already have a family coat of arms which should be used as a model or on account of you in this connection also the production of a new coat of arms wish. (To the orientation: the price of the family crst in 3D illustrated here amounted to 3.395 € - without coat of arms draft.)
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Last updated 06/14/2018
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