Frequently asked questions
This side deals with always frequently asked questions (FAQ) which are put in connection with my heraldic offer.
What is a family crest and who has the right to run it?
A family coat of arms is always the common symbol of a particular gender (house). Under Gender refers to all matrimonial, male descendants of a common ancestor. This is the circle that has the right to carry the coat of arms. Then there are the respective wives and unmarried daughters. When the daughters marry her cause, if any, then the arms of her husband.
Have illegitimate or adopted people the right to carry a coat of arms of the gender (house)?
No, because these people are not on the above circle. But this is no reason that these people do not donate their own coat of arms. Male persons who have been out of wedlock born or adopted, are considered to be the progenitor of a new gender (house). Therefore, they have the express right to donate a new coat of arms.
How long does the production of a family coat of arms last?
This is very individual and depends on different factors on which I myself have no influence. Some clients let themselves several months of time for the decision with the choice of the coat of arms draughts. Therefore, no times are made in my offer consciously. Also think please that the endowment of a family coat of arms is a unique matter in the life. Therefore, one should include in the plan a reasonable time. Clients can influence the treatment time from that point of view positively in which they fill the form "fatherly family row" conscientiously and completely
The family coats of arms which are given away and should be ready (or) at a certain time.
On this occasion, would be expelled on the preceding sales. Think please that the production of a family coat of arms takes up a reasonable time span. Therefore, you should give several months before the desired time the order. (It is not realizable, e.g. if the placing of order is occurred four weeks before Christmas and is expected then that the family coat of arms is ready to the party.)
Can own images or wishes be taken over in the family coat of arms?
As far as it is heraldically feasible, I meet my clients. Consider please the following: the heraldry has firm principles and if, besides, a coat of arms should be still registered, the heraldic principles must be kept anyway. The family coats of arms anew made by me are in general so-called "talking coats of arms" which return to the family coats of arms in symbols. Such coats of arms are not to be distinguished from old traditional (medieval) coats of arms.
Do you make the family coats of arms which are sketched by clients?
In general not. Such draughts are not correct as a rule heraldically.
A family coat of arms is the symbol of a certain gender. What does one understand by it?
A gender exists of all male, conjugal descendants of a common ancestor. Besides, the wives lead the coat of arms of her husband and the unmarried daughters the coat of arms of her father. Therefore, exclusively the fatherly family row is to be considered with the genealogical information.
Can a woman donate a new family coat of arms?
Yes. Besides, a family coat of arms is donated for the gender of the father. If the woman is unmarried, this coat of arms can also lead you. (See the also preceding sales.)
Do you also carry out genealogical researches for clients?
No. My clients inform me of her own genealogical data with the help of the fatherly family row.
Does one need a long family tree, so many generations of forefathers?
For the endowment of a new family coat of arms the information is complete enough up to the grandfather. Nevertheless, it is more advantageously if even more generations are known.
How becomes with the granting of an order for the production of a new family coat of arms gone forward?
First it is checked, in any case, in the heraldic technical literature whether for the concerning gender maybe a traditional coat of arms exists. (This case seems in practice only extremely seldom.) Then searches are carried out by the heraldist to the family native country of the gender. A name interpretation of the surname joins. With the coat of arms draughts the surname and the family native country is returned by symbols and emblems. If you give an order according to point 2 of the fee list (new acceptance of a family coat of arms in luxury implementation), three coat of arms draughts are made first. Remaining two coat of arms draughts occur in arrangement with you and consider possibly your possible wishes. Then the draught favoured by you then is sent to the herald's exclusion of the German coat of arms role for the purpose of coat of arms preliminary examination. There the coat of arms draught is checked with the help of the extensive coat of arms picture card index for uniqueness and it is also checked whether the heraldic principles are fulfilled. Then only after the approval of the herald's committee I make the final coat of arms drawings (black-and-white drawing, representative coat of arms implementation, or coloured coat of arms drawing). The greatest possible security is given my client by this procedure.
How is the name of the heraldist?
My surname is: Krejcik z Radimovic, in English: Krejcik of Radimovice. Mikulas is my given name and has the English meaning of Nikolas.
How long does the production of a family tree?
This is very individual and depends on several factors, of which I myself have little influence. First is important that the client with all the genealogical data of his ancestors in the GEDCOM format provides. His wishes should be clearly outlined. Generally I will only work with quality and this is a reasonable amount of time necessary. In addition, I always work on multiple orders. The production of a family coat of arms extending over several months. A family tree naturally takes much longer to complete. The production time for the family tree needs at least 6 months to a year.
How long does the production of a crest sculpture
This applies in principle the same as in the production of a family tree. Generally I will only work with quality and this is a reasonable amount of time necessary. In addition, I always work on multiple orders. The production of a family coat of arms extending over several months. A crest sculpture naturally takes much longer to complete. The production time for the crest sculpture is at least 6 months.
Last updated 12/14/2017
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