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Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic

heraldist MdH and graduated painter
Working since 1990 in the field of Heraldry

english deutsch český

The name interpretation of your surname in representative form

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The name interpretation is an interesting field of research. This also has his reason. Already with the old Roman one said "nomen est omen" what means so much like the name is a sign. Besides, has the interest in names an even longer tradition. Already in the book of the books one appropriately says: "Better a good name than good oil..." (Preacher, chapter 7, verse 1). The name is closely connected with a person, it is an elementary personal sign. The surname is transmitted from generation to generation. It is an elementary sign of the respective gender. (A remark: For this reason I provide with the draught of a new family coat of arms mainly talking family coat of arms in which the respective name is returned by symbols and emblems. Since the name is the most important sign of a gender. This is a fact which remains disregarded, unfortunately, from many heraldists and above all amateur heraldists with new coat of arms creations\!)

Of The investigation of the name interpretation devotes itself the subsidiary science onomastic. She deals with the meaning, origin and spreading of name, so under other family name (anthroponymy), but also of the names of geographic objects (toponomastic) or other things. Besides, the origin (ethymology, origin and the age) is also investigated with family name.

Surnames have a millennial tradition. Therefore, the surname is also the oldest report of the family history. The most frequent German surnames are descended from job titles (occupational name). Others are derived from the place of origin (toponyms), from the origin country (geographical origin), to the given name of the father (patronyms), the given name of the mother (metronyms), the dwelling (mostly situation names Dwelling name) or from qualities. The interpretation of the name is often difficult. Therefore, would be warned about rash and wrong interpretations, even if these are supposed maybe already since generations in the family. To be able to interpret properly a name, a thorough study of the appropriate technical literature is unavoidable. Besides, are long-standing experience in this field of research of determining advantage. For the layman this is often too time-luxuriously and cost-luxuriously. But now a personal question to you would be directed: "Is the meaning of your surname known to you?"

Here my offer. They receive in the form illustrated here a name interpretation in which your surname is explained after etymology (word origin) with different basic forms and variations, the name type and the spreading area. In addition the oldest ascertained occurence of the name is still mentioned (from approx. six to eight mentions). This written name interpretation occurs on cardboard similar to greaseproof paper ("elefant skin") in A4 format. The sending occurs by registered letter, the document is protected in it in a cardboard folder, in addition. The fee amounts to 59 euros, in it the packaging and sending costs are already included

This document with the name interpretation is suitable as personal information for you, as a wall jewellery and also as a present to too different occasions. Preserve with it the oldest report of your family history

If you are interested in my offer "name interpretation", you can enter your address me give your order for a name interpreation here.

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Last updated 12/14/2017

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