family coat of arms, endowment, German DWR registration, HEROLD association, ecclesiastical heraldry, certificate, crest sculpture, family tree, genealogy table, name interpretation, individual consultation

Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic

heraldist MdH and graduated painter
Working since 1990 in the field of Heraldry

english deutsch český

Here are interesting links on the subject heraldry. This list is complemented consecutively. It is worthwhile here once again to call in.

The Internet offers a variety in information on the heraldic subject. Also the circle of the operators of web pages is varied.

The professional associations have her Internet presence and mostly offer good information.

Main entrances to coat of arms customer and genealogy can be very informative. However, with some of these operators one gets the impression that they pursue these sides probably more to the self-interest. These sides often have many visitors and an accordingly high one page-entwines yourself. This seems to be with some main entrance operators probably the principal reason for the existence of her side. If more seriously professional heraldists wants to put there a link, he is confronted by this operator with a very coated outstanding debt. So a behaviour makes serious professional heraldikern only hard with prospective customers in connection to come. In reality such a behaviour meets only "coat of arms smiths" whom the same avarice drives, and which care about heraldic principles a little. These get the money for her "advertising measures" then with coated fee demand again with the sieved customers purely. Therefore some these main entrances serve more than monetary source of income and promote in reality indirectly the modern coat of arms dizziness. However, one must add that there is many coat of arms main entrances which require no money from heraldists for the putting of a left-winger and really serve the purpose of her side, the good heraldry and the public very well.

Professional heraldist also draw the attention on the Internet to themselves and there are there also different shadings. There is also those which are a blunderer in reality, but maybe once for a person of the public life have sketched a coat of arms and to them apparently the heraldic lack of experience of her order giver passed. Such "heraldists" offer mostly also a wide offer of knight's plays, knight's armaments and similar tomfoolery. With the help of the offer one can recognise clearly that it concerns in reality businessmen. A serious heraldist offers only works of own production, however, does not act with products or services. Then to the travesty still such people are really performed in the Wikipedia as a Heraldiker. One does not come but to suppose that the called themselves are responsible for the article or which has played in general widespread heraldic unawareness also with the official author of the article a role.

Then there are still the commercial enterprises who appear under the cloak of a scientific institution. There global concepts which refer to the suitable country or even Europe are also used in the company title. Apparently with it an official impression should be woken with the audience. The quality of such coat of arms smiths is rather different. Nevertheless, as a rule coated prices are required, because beside the fee of the executive "heraldist" still the company costs of the businessmen result and, finally, still a profit must be left there.

In addition still there come the people who pursue a homepage from hobby to the coat of arms art . The contents and the quality of the single web pages are different.

Therefore, not the factor has played with the choice of the following information quantity a role, but value was placed of quality. Other interesting web pages to the heraldry are added consecutively; if you can give a good tip, let know it me please.

HEROLD, association for heraldry, genealogy and related sciences to Berlin inc.

Heraldry page of the free encyklopdia Wikipedia

Page of the American Heraldry Society

College of Arms in London

The Court of the Lord Lion in Scotland

Not official web page: Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem with information about the order heraldry

Last updated 05/25/2022

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