family coat of arms, endowment, German DWR registration, HEROLD association, ecclesiastical heraldry, certificate, crest sculpture, family tree, genealogy table, name interpretation, individual consultation

Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic

heraldist MdH and graduated painter
Working since 1990 in the field of Heraldry

english deutsch èeský

Part 1
a look in a little known heraldic subculture

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The heraldry was original under state supervision. At the end of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806 the German prince's courts, seen apart from few exceptions which put exhibition of coat of arms letters had. Though some succession monarchies had her own state herald's velvet, but these offices were lifted with the extinction of many European monarchies after 1918. With it a heraldic vacuum was and has originated. By this are absent the by the state supervision an activity field originated in the area of the heraldry for swindlers. This swindler the general widespread ignorance in public in the areas of the heraldry helps in it. On the other side became and will receive in some families in moving manner credulous the products from coat of arms swindlers and coat of arms factories as "valuable documents" of the future generations. First it is necessary at this point to understand some basic concepts.

coat of arms dizziness is the deliberate deception of the buyer of a coat of arms about the age, the extent of the leadership-entitled people or the reference. One cannot buy a coat of arms, nevertheless, at all! A coat of arms has one or one does not have it. In the latter case one leaves a serious coat of arms search or one can donate a new family coat of arms himself. Nevertheless, one should let too last called both possibilities carry out with a serious heraldist. You find the criteria for the judgement what one can recognise such here.

Coat of arms dizzinees
A coat of arms letter of the coat of arms trader
Franz Josef Reich from Stuttgart,
Spring: Der Wappenschwindel - seine Werkstätten
und ihre Inhaber, herausgegeben vom
HEROLD, Verein für Heraldik, Genealogie
und verwandte Wissenschaften,
Neustadt a.d.A., 1997.

In narrow connection with the coat of arms dizziness is coat of arms trade . One understands by it trade of coat of arms by commercial enterprises. These offer a coat of arms for own surname to the unsuspecting audience. However, there is no coat of arms for every surname! First every coat of arms must fulfil the exclusiveness principle on uniqueness, i.e. it must be unique and may have no resemblances to a quite available coat of arms. And secondly name equality does not mean automatically the leadership authorisation of a coat of arms of a family with the same name! A coat of arms is always the symbol of a certain gender. One understands all conjugal, male descendants of a common ancestor by a gender. (The wives lead the coat of arms of her husband and the unmarried daughters the coat of arms of her father.) Therefore, the heraldry is closely connected with the genealogy. One can search no coat of arms or lead a coat of arms of families with the same name with name equality unchecked if one does not know yet his own forefathers!

Coat of arms dizziness and coat of arms trade in the past

What concerns the criminal machination by heraldic swindlers in the past, there is in addition a technical literature appropriate in addition. Firstly, the following work would be mentioned here: Der Wappenschwindel - seine Werkstätten und ihre Inhaber. Ein Blick in die heraldische Subkultur, herausgegeben vom HEROLD, Verein für Heraldik, Genealogie und verwandte Wissenschaften, bearbeitet von Jürgen Arndt unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Staats- und Stadtarchive (in German language). In addition there are even other works of other authors. All these books are antiquarian and can be ordered, e.g., from Because on this subject interesting technical literature is given for interested people, should not be entered at this point closer on the sad examples from the past. The situation will interest most in the present - and, unfortunately, about that there is no technical literature. Only few people, are mostly it profesional heraldists, today have to report the courage openly about the states in this heraldic, partly criminal subculture in the present.

Coat of arms dizziness and coat of arms trade in the present

Beforehand must be put outside at this point clearly that the name heraldist is no legally protected job title. Therefore, with the discontinuation of the state control of the heraldry there is also official place, the heraldists checks! If heraldist with the name "tested heraldist" advertise, then they have received this name from a more or less serious private institution. A serious association will hold before giving such a name a herladry seminar and hold a check, before he lends such a name. However, there are institutions who give "tested heraldist" without some big preconditions. Merely as a result at best such a name shows that the person concerned least controls the heraldic principles - more also not! This fact would be mentioned here only on the edge, but he deals not necessarily of course something with the subject Coat of arms dizziness and coat of arms trade.

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