family coat of arms, endowment, German DWR registration, HEROLD association, ecclesiastical heraldry, certificate, crest sculpture, family tree, genealogy table, name interpretation, individual consultation

Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic

heraldist MdH and graduated painter
Working since 1990 in the field of Heraldry

english deutsch český

Part 3
The causes for the functioning of coat of arms dizziness and coat of arms trade in the present

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Basic: The constitutional state assures all artists of the free work and does not intervene correcting. This is heard to the principles of every democracy. Is heraldry art? Or differently asked: is heraldry only art? Certainly good heraldic drawings or other kinds of the heraldic representation are art. However, is heraldry only art? Here one must answer with a clear no. Apart from the fact that the heraldry is today an approved historical subsidiary science, the heraldry still is even more. It is an important part of our European culture. The heraldry belongs to our cultural heritage. It is founded on firm principles which have formed during centuries. Therefore, should be them as a special and unique part of our European culture by the state protected. In addition also belongs that the state should create reasonable directives for the occupation of the Heraldikers and also control this. In addition no finished university study would be necessary, but appropriate professional knowledge, as this is also demanded in the coat of arms light check or in the hunting licence check.

If the state is not required here, its oversight of all areas of heraldry in the future comply, then is real concern that the European heraldry is further diluted and one extinct in two generations as a cultural asset is the heraldry.

Reasons for the current existence of modern coat of arms dizziness and coat of arms trade

1st reason: There is today coat of arms dizziness and coat of arms trade, is the immediate result of the absence of state control in the area of the heraldry ! Everybody can be called heraldist. And everybody can found his "scientific" institution.

2nd reason: The general widespread ignorance in public in the areas of the heraldry works against the swindlers. Here a gigantic vacuum of information exists without doubt. There is big informal need to catch up. Today luckily there is the Internet.

3rd reason: A doctorate (in any area - the doctoral cap for heraldry gives it not at all) and a "scientific" institution wake the impression before seriousness and technical competence. The healthy human mind is possibly switched off with these highly trotting, because, otherwise, one would come mathematically quickly to the right result that here among other things a gigantic administrative apparatus and also the praised achievement of the "scientific" institution on social sector in the final effect must be paid by her done down customers. At these commercial companies it concerns, finally, not the remedial army or a Samaritan's association.

4th reason: Specific disinformation! Some heraldic and genealogical forums are partially pursued by people who support the coat of arms dizziness and coat of arms trade (consciously or unconsciously) or in the worst case people who themselves belong to the circle of acquaintances of this heraldic subculture. Forums are visited by many people and, therefore, it is even more doubtful if there the audience not extensively, but only unilaterally is informed. In such forums people from the area of Coat of arms dizziness and coat of arms trade - move already for some time virtually as "place deer" - and enjoy on account of her many contributions the confidence of the audience. So care in the visit of such forums. It is not guaranteed that you are discussed there seriously!


The elimination of government control over the heraldry a legal vacuum is created. Dubious profiteers, the widespread use of information in the field of heraldry Vakum shamelessly and gamble their unsuspecting customers from unscrupulous. It should therefore be examined whether, in specific cases, the offense of continuing fraud is met by the law enforcement authorities. If this still does not happen, the arms mafia is able to continue undisturbed on the loose ...

With it you do not become a victim of coat of arms dizziness and coat of arms trade, you should find out accordingly. They should absolutely know the criteria for a serious Heraldiker. You find the criteria for the judgement what one can recognise such here.

Own tip: If you know the criteria for a serious heraldist, then they will find out that I fulfil all these criteria in my quality as a heraldist. More than 20 years of professional practice, the recognition in heraldic professional circles and their appraisal that I belong to the most excellent worldwide Heraldikern of the present speak for themselves. The new German family coats of arms which are sketched by me are checked by the association HEROLD with the help of his extensive coat of arms picture card index and correspond the exclusiveness principle on uniqueness.

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Last updated 12/14/2017

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