family coat of arms, endowment, German DWR registration, HEROLD association, ecclesiastical heraldry, certificate, crest sculpture, family tree, genealogy table, name interpretation, individual consultation

Mikulas Krejcik z Radimovic

heraldist MdH and graduated painter
Working since 1990 in the field of Heraldry

english deutsch èeskı

Part 2
Coat of arms dizziness and coat of arms trade in the present

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At this point only the single aspects are performed on the subject Coat of arms dizziness and coat of arms trade in the present. Besides, this installation raises no claim to completeness.

1.) Commercial enterprises, under the coat of a "scientific" institution are to be called here, firstly and these mostly advertise with following to pompous words :

Nevertheless, facts look different:

2.) Companies, the so-called family books sell this operate from abroad and avoid with it the national criminal law of her cheated customers. There the books which contain of course also a family coat of arms are offered for every surname. In reality the pressure work is nothing more than a worldwide address list with a more or less appropriate name interpretation. The customer is not informed about the fact that a family coat of arms must correspond to the exclusiveness principle and the name equality does not entitle to the guidance of a foreign family coat of arms.

3.) The companies who appear on fairs or Middle Ages measuring on historical fairs dubious coat of arms traders often appear who use the atmosphere of the event and animate for rash purchases. Also prospectus advertisement can be put under it. A serious Heraldiker will never move up from itself to you or build up his state on some fairs or markets!

4.) Businessman (single companies) who make pretence of a heraldist themselves. Also they often show a more or less big list of public figures from politics and culture who have been cheated by them. These single companies often have her own coat of arms role in which the coats of arms sketched by them are also registered. The heraldic and grafic quality of such coats of arms often leaves much to be desired very much. Then, besides, these people still sell all possible historical tomfoolery and sometimes organise even also to historical events knight's tournaments (mostly with some extras from Czechia). Nevertheless, a serious heraldist offers only own achievements which he has also produced really himself. With certainty he will not operate as an intertrader for knight's armaments. Then the summit of the impertinence is still the fact that such people are performed even in the Wikipedia as "a heraldist" - and one extinguishes at the same time article about serious and worldwide approved heraldists. Therefore also contributes the Wikipedia for blossoming of coat of arms dizziness and coat of arms trade!

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Last updated 12/14/2017

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